Someone outside Luskan has been pillaging the food stores in advance of this year's Simril celebration.
Dreadful, evil creatures Lucius is slowly coming out of his nobility shell as he continues to learn the true value of comradery, friendship, and a world without barriers.
A young, sheltered noble, Lucius has a fabulous style, our artists were delighted to work on Lucius' colorful wardrobe and a really gorgeous skin that Aerois fans may recognize! For more information on Lucius and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight!Year Four VariantsNo Rest for the Gifted — Only Champions with Charisma of 14 or higher can be used. Cod Uo Keygen Download For Mac
Lucius is the only Champion that can deal damage All other Champions have their DPS disabled, but their formation abilities are active.. He causes further damage with Arcane Chromat - Acid and Arcane Chromat - Cold debuffs combining in an explosion with Elemental Adept.. Every wizard needs a familiar, right? Familiars are NPCs that you can assign to certain tasks, such as leveling up Champions, clicking the monsters, or using ultimates.. As a trained Arcane Chromat, Lucius uses the colors of the world around him to fuel his magical power, focusing on acid and cold spells with alternating Acid Splash and Ray of Frost basic attacks.. For more information about Year 4 Events and how they work, please check out our Year 4 Events Dev Blog.. Players have until Monday, December 14th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Simril 4 unlocks and objectives.. Lucius is the final piece of the Aerois team, and with Aerois Synergy he is buffed by his teammates.. Residents are becoming worried that there may not be enough to last the long Sword Coast winter to come!Simril 4 introduces Lucius the High Elf Sorcerer, and final member of the High Rollers: Aerois party.. II Lucius' StatsRace: ElfAlignment: Lawful NeutralClass: SorcererGender: MaleAge: 76Affiliation: Heroes of AeroisSTR: 13DEX: 14 CON: 13 INT: 11 WIS: 13 CHA: 18 Role: DPSEligible for Patrons: none Slot: 7, (Minsc)Lucius' Abilities Lucius is a DPS Champion with a colorful style. 518b7cbc7d